There are two papers for IIT JEE. Both the exams are conducted in one day. The first paper is conducted in the morning and second is conducted after noon. The question paper consists of varieties of questions including single option type, multiple option type, paragraph questions, matching questions, assertion and reason etc. Generally the each question has 4 marks for correct answer and one mark for wrong answer. Some of the questions are not having any negative marks.
Tips to Score Maximum Marks in IIT JEE
IIT JEE is very much concept oriented exam. If you are strong with the concepts, you will surely get a seat in IIT. Apart from the thorough understanding in concepts, a strong efficiency in problem solving is must. The problems coming for IIT JEE are not just to apply the direct formulas. Here you need to know the concept clearly and need to apply them.
There are lots of problems which can be solved after too many steps. This shows the importance of problem solving skill. Try to solve problems like these.
There are other questions like assertion and reason to test your sound knowledge on particular concept. To get it corrected, you need to learn each and every concepts thoroughly.
The paragraph type questions are related to the concepts which you have learnt. The questions will be based on the paragraph, but understand that it’s not the typical English paragraph questions. Here you need to give more importance each and every lines of the paragraph.
As far as IIT JEE exams are concerned, doing previous years question papers are of prime important. This will give familiarize you with the IIT question pattern. Once you are confident about IIT JEE question pattern, there won’t be enough problems when you see the questions during the main exam. But, if you fail to attend at least one sample test of IIT JEE, you will definitely feel terrible and void.
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